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1 Result
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
The Pelvic Holder helps to position the patient upright and prevent sliding forward. It can be used in a wheelchair or Geri-chair. Quick release buckles can be added for easy attachment.
{{$clientFunction->ProductInformation(array( 'clientProductID' => ...
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
The Pelvic Holder helps to position the patient upright and prevent sliding forward. It can be used in a wheelchair or Geri-chair. Quick release buckles can be added for easy attachment.
{{$clientFunction->ProductInformation(array( 'clientProductID' => ...
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
The Pelvic Holder helps to position the patient upright and prevent sliding forward. It can be used in a wheelchair or Geri-chair. Quick release buckles can be added for easy attachment.
{{$clientFunction->ProductInformation(array( 'clientProductID' => ...
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
The Pelvic Holder helps to position the patient upright and prevent sliding forward. It can be used in a wheelchair or Geri-chair. Quick release buckles can be added for easy attachment.
{{$clientFunction->ProductInformation(array( 'clientProductID' => ...
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
Pelvic Holder, Mesh
The Pelvic Holder helps to position the patient upright and prevent sliding forward. It can be used in a wheelchair or Geri-chair. Quick release buckles can be added for easy attachment.
{{$clientFunction->ProductInformation(array( 'clientProductID' => ...